
Watch Video! The video that you will be watching is pulling him out of the pasture, and stepping on with 2 weeks off. Doc checks the most important boxes- SAFETY, disposition, and personality. He has been used for some lessons, and was an absolute gentleman. Doc is one I would put just about anyone on and know he is going to be a babysitter. We have asked Doc to do a little bit of anything, and everything. One of the qualities I like most about Doc is his personality. He knows who is on his back, if you want a relaxing ride through the woods, or perform in the arena, he is willing to please.  Used on the ranch, trail ridden and used in the arena for a well rounded, versatile handle. Doc has a deep stop off of your seat, and smooth gaits. He has a great travel, extend him out, or he will scale back to a nice pidder patter trot and rocker chair lope.This is the type of gelding you can use for a week, or lay him off, and step right back in the middle of. Doc is always the first to meet you at the gate, no matter how far you rode the previous day. This is a gelding that has seen more life experiences than most horses twice his age. He will ride off of your leg and seat cues, or just as easily point and go for the novice rider. Doc is a joy to be around in the pasture, with his kind, soft eye, and goofy personality. You can walk out into the pasture showing him the halter, and he will come running to you. 

Masters Equine