Archie-Watch Video

Archie is about as loud as the first time you were introduced to a drum set! If you like riding down the trail and grabbing some attention, Archie will do the trick! He has seen outside miles from Texas to Ohio. Archie has been used to day work on the ranch, and will pull strong to the horn. Take him down the road and back through the woods and you will have just as much fun!.

Archie has been ridden alongside a main highway, and did not shy at the semis, or odd things on the side of the road. He can be more of a forward traveler, and will ride off of your leg and seat cues. If you are looking for a trail horse, I believe most anyone would get along with him. However, I would recommend an intermediate rider in the arena, as Archie is a stronger mover, and responsive to what you are doing as a rider. Archie would make a jam up barrel horse, mounted shooting or calf horse in the right hands. Archie has been a workhorse and used for recreation, and handles both in stride. Want a trail horse to keep up with your gaited friends? Archie is your man. He is excellent on the trail, crossing water, bridges, brush, debris etc. If you enjoy a forward mover, here you go. Archie will frame up, or ride around supple on a drape rein. He will slow down into a rocker chair type lope or slower jog, but if you are riding more forward in your seat and leg, so will he. Archie is a young gelding with a good resume and a bright future ahead of him. 


Masters Equine